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오토핫키) 인풋 박스

by LillyLt 2014. 3. 13.
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  물론 아래 소스에서 password 는 메세지 창에 넣치 않아도 됩니다만 변수에 대한 이해를 돕기위해
  "%UserInput% (%password%)" 와 같이 수정했습니다.
입력할때 이 주석문(초록색)은 삭제 필수.
주석때문에 스크립트가 작동을 안함.
이유는 모르겠음
InputBox, OutputVar [, Title, Prompt, HIDE, Width, Height, X, Y, Font, Timeout, Default]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
InputBoxpassword, 암호를 입력하세요, 암호는 보이지 않도록 *** 로 처리 됩니다., hide 
InputBoxUserInput, 전화번호를 입력하세요, 전화번호를 - 포함해서 정확하게 작성하세요, , 500, 200
    MsgBox,취소를 누르셨습니다.
    MsgBox, 당신의 정보는 "%UserInput% (%password%)" 입니다.

OutputVarThe name of the variable in which to store the text entered by the user.
TitleThe title of the input box. If blank or omitted, it defaults to the name of the script.
PromptThe text of the input box, which is usually a message to the user indicating what kind of input is expected. If Prompt is long, it can be broken up into several shorter lines by means of a continuation section, which might improve readability and maintainability.
HIDEIf this parameter is the word HIDE, the user's input will be masked, which is useful for passwords.
숨김 여부
WidthIf this parameter is blank or omitted, the starting width of the window will be 375. This parameter can be an expression.
인풋창 가로 크기
HeightIf this parameter is blank or omitted, the starting height of the window will be 189. This parameter can be an expression.
X, Y

The X and Y coordinates of the window (use 0,0 to move it to the upper left corner of the desktop), which can be expressions. If either coordinate is blank or omitted, the dialog will be centered in that dimension. Either coordinate can be negative to position the window partially or entirely off the desktop.
메세지창 생성 위치 좌표

FontNot yet implemented (leave blank). In the future it might accept something like verdana:8
TimeoutTimeout in seconds (can contain a decimal point or be an expression).  If this value exceeds 2147483 (24.8 days), it will be set to 2147483. After the timeout has elapsed, the InputBox window will be automatically closed and ErrorLevel will be set to 2. OutputVarwill still be set to what the user entered.
DefaultA string that will appear in the InputBox's edit field when the dialog first appears. The user can change it by backspacing or other means.